
the mathematics of cooperation

Using mathematics to tackle some of biology's biggest questions, Martin Nowak has concluded that an ability to cooperate is the secret of humanity's success. He talks to Michael Marshall about drawing fire from Richard Dawkins, the perils of punishment, and devising the mathematical equivalent of the rules of religion:

competing thoughts on wgbh

Our seven-minute documentary Competing Thoughts is one of the films featured in the WGBH Lab Showcase. The film looks at healthy and less healthy forms of competition, and offers some alternatives. More about the people and subjects in the film: Alfie Kohn's book, No Contest: The Case Against Competition (1986, 1992, re-released in 2006). Terry Orlick's book, Cooperative Games and Sports (2006). David and Roger Johnson's work on Cooperative Learning at the University of Minnesota. Robert Pollin  is a Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Greg Hamilton's great documentary, Mystic Ball , about Myanmar's non-competitive sport, Chinlone. Collective Copies history , which discusses the advantages of collectives. The Moosewood Collective , one of the most famous collectives in the US. Here's a good introduction to kinship, reciprocity, and mutualism . All of the music in the film is from Willie Bernstein's latest album, Bug Jam . Her...

film pitch

Here is the film pitch , description, and approach we submitted to WGBH for Competing Thoughts. Description This is the first in a series of video essays drawing from my research on competition. I'll use pickup soccer, a game I've enjoyed for 25 years, as a microcosm of competition in our increasingly global culture. A rare hub of race, class, and sometimes gender, pickup soccer is arguably one of the most diverse gatherings in Boston. And it strikes a rare balance between competition and cooperation. This sort of balance doesn't exist in other forms of competing I've experienced: in my family, school, workplace, and just about everywhere else. In this film I'll discuss the pros and cons of competition, and alternatives to it. Style or Approach My reflections on soccer and mixed feelings about competition will be the thematic center of the film. I'll weave in quotes, interviews, and audio from people on all sides of the debate: educators, economis...

soccer and social change

There are some great social change efforts built around soccer: Soccer Without Borders , a group based in San Fransisco whose mission is to "expand the potential of soccer as a vehicle for positive change in the lives of marginalized youth."  Mondiali Antirazzisti , the Antiracist World Cup.  Grassroot Soccer , which "uses the power of soccer in the fight against AIDS" primarily in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia, and Botswana.  Soccer in the Streets, based in Atlanta, "teaches less advantaged kids to make positive choices in life so as to better themselves, their families and communities through soccer."

cooperative learning

For almost a century researchers have been studying the benefits of cooperative learning, where students must work together to achieve goals. Much of the research indicates that students in cooperative learning environments show higher levels of reasoning, more effective problem solving, and higher self-esteem. The number of teachers who use cooperative learning models in their classes has been on the rise for decades, but most classrooms are still frenetically competitive environments. I've been most impressed by the work of David and Roger Johnson at the University of Minnesota, who have been studying and teaching cooperative learning techniques since the 1970's and founded the Cooperative Learning Center . According to them, one of the  key elements in cooperative learning is called positive interdependence -- students are interlinked in such a way that one cannot succeed unless everyone succeeds. In one particularly convincing study, the Johnson's did a meta-analys...

pros and cons

Most writers tout the value of competition, especially in business. Go to any bookstore and you're bound to find a few books about understanding and beating your competitors, competing in global markets, and so on. But some writers and researchers have described the negative consequences of competition on people and society. In No Contest , Alfie Kohn draws on the work of hundreds of these researchers. He writes that "our struggle to defeat each other - at work, at school, at play, and at home - turns us all into losers" and that competition "doesn't motivate us to do our sabotages self-esteem and ruins relationships."


I just played chess for the first time in a while with a friend of mine. Chess has a certain purity as a competitive game that has been revered for centuries - all strategy, they say. The opening ritual was familiar. We chatted about rules, strategy, experience. This was the pre-game. Then we took our places. We had one of those chess clocks to keep the game moving. He started it, and became my opponent. We were focused, strategic, invested, tense, relieved, unsure, sure. There were threats, escapes, mistakes, successes, gains, losses. It was exhilarating, like soccer. And again, something was at stake. I definitely wanted to win, and so did he - our faces and bodies were clear about this. It seemed we were either focused on attack, preparing for attack, or evading attack. There was something primeval about it.